4-7 oct 2023. Workshop du Réseau VIR

Publié le : 10.07.2023

Catégorie : Cancéropôle Grand Ouest, Réseau VIR

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→ Compte-rendu de l'édition 2023 du workshop[nbsp]"Optimizing Imaging and Dose-Response in RadiotherapieS”

The "Tumour Targeting, Imaging, Radiotherapies” network of the Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest is pleased to announce its sixteenth international workshop which will take place[nbsp]from the 4th to 7th of October 2023 in Erquy, West of France..

The workshop is dedicated to young researchers (PhD students and post-docs) even so experienced researchers are invited to participate.
The 16th international workshop edition entitled “Optimizing Imaging and Dose-Response in RadiotherapieS”will confront the points of view and issues of various research fields such as Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Medicine, Computer science, involved in the development of molecular and external beam radiotherapies in Oncology.

The 2023 topic will focus on how to optimize dose-response relationships in the field of molecular and external beam radiotherapies in Oncology with the contribution of imaging. These aspects will be developed, through the following sessions :

      • New paradigms in tumour targeting
      • Alternative biological models
      • Artificial intelligence and imaging
      • How to distribute the dose in radiotherapy according to time and space?
      • Therapeutic combinations

Invited speakers in 2023 :

      • Rob Coppes, University Medical Center Groningen [&] University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
      • Eric Deutsch, Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris, France.
      • Anna Mondino, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
      • Marcel Hollenstein, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
      • Jason P. Holland, University of Zürich, Switzerland.
      • Julien Bert, National Institute of Health [&] Clinical Sciences, University of Brest, France.

[nbsp]The final program is online here[nbsp]https://www.cgo-workshop-vecto.fr/program-2023/

The workshop will be built around lectures from the invited expert speakers and thematic sessions with selected oral presentations from young researchers providing valuable opportunities for discussion on innovative issues and highlighting integration among several disciplines.

This workshop aims at sharing scientific results and at facilitating exchanges between experienced and young researchers in the fast-growing field of imaging and radiotherapies.
In order to stimulate intense discussions between young and senior scientists, total attendance is limited to a maximum of 65 participants.

Awards :
30 travel grant awards are available for the young selected researchers (PhD students and post-doctoral scientists). Each award consists of free registration to the workshop, accommodation and contribution to travel expenses (up to 250€). The grants will be only available for PhD students / post-docs with accepted abstracts for oral presentations.

Abstract submission :
Young researchers are asked to submit an abstract presenting their current research projects and results for one of the five scientific topics listed above. A template is available on the website at http://www.cgo-workshop-vecto.fr/
Call for abstracts is extended to June 26th, 2023[nbsp][nbsp]

Registration :
Deadline for registration is[nbsp]July 12th, 2023
PhD students / post-docs selected for oral presentation: Free
Academical attendees: 450 €. Industrial attendees: 600 €
Registration includes: Full accommodation and meals from October 4th dinner until October 7th lunch.
Due to the limited number of attendees, an early registration is strongly advised.

This event will take place in the “Domaine de Roz Armor” in Erquy, in Côtes d’Armor, located 1.5 hours from Rennes, in West of France.

For more information please visit:

Please feel free to widely forward this workshop announcement to anyone who might be interested.

We look forward to seeing you in Erquy for a stimulating and enjoyable workshop,

The organizing committee
